
Most foreign investors are attracted by Slovenia’s strategic position at the heart of Europe, its excellent transport and ITC infrastructure, its value chains, industry clusters and centres of excellence.


Investors keen on locating their operations at the heart of the market with 500 million consumers will find Slovenia’s international commercial contacts and the land-sea-air transport system ideal. A corporate culture of transparency and accountability, observance of international technical standards, personal integrity and company loyalty make a foreign manager’s job easy ever since the first big international companies established their operations in Slovenia. Investor confidence thrives on legal and institutional reforms designed to facilitate investment. Staring a company is straightforward and easy through single-access points to register a limited liability company, obtain a construction permit and carry out any other administrative procedures.


Slovene most advanced manufacturing and service sectors:

  • Automotive
  • Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
  • Electrical & Electronics
  • ICT
  • Logistics & Distribution
  • Machining & Metalworking
  • Wood-processing

Get lost and you will find yourself in a beautiful country like Slovenia

Support contact Point

Transferors and successors are supported by the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Maribor within the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia. Throw our experts we can offer consulting such as company incorporation, financing, taxes, labour law, wages and salaries, accounting, civil and company law. The Chamber connects and cooperates with ministries, other chambers, international partners in EU Member States and the countries of SE Europe related to internationalisation.

Investrors can visit the website and Operating as “one-stop-shop” for potential investors, InvestSlovenia Team maintains data bases with public and private investment projects and land for commercial and industrial purposes in all sectors of the economy. Information is provided free-of-charge to meet investors’ specific needs and budgets.

InvestSlovenia Team operates within SPIRIT Slovenija (Slovenian Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalisatio, Foreign Investment and Technology) entrusted with the regulatory, expert and development tasks serving to increase competitiveness of Slovenia’s economy in the area of entrepreneurship, internationalisation, foreign investment, and technology.


Our Service for transnational Business Transfer

The experts group of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Maribor can support transferor and successors on different matters such as the  company incorporation, financing, taxes, labour law, wages and salaries, accounting, civil and company law. The costs and the duration of an expert consultation for Transnational Business transferor and successors still has to be discussed within the Chamber.

For any international investor support and facilitation of services include on and information on industrial sites and local suppliers, links with industry and local authorities, and Organisation of fact-finding missions, business and investment conferences and trade shows.

Support Point Contacts

Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Maribor
Titova cesta 63
2000 Maribor (Slovenia)
Tel. +386 41 355 135


Maribor Development Agency
Pobreška cesta 20
2000 Maribor (Slovenia)
Tel. +386 2 333 13 06