Sanitary and heating systems for industry and construction

Company that installs sanitary and heating systems, air conditioning, ventilation and gas systems. Is mainly active in the Province of Bolzano.

The main activity concerns the maintenance and rehabilitation of the above mentioned systems at industrial sites in Bolzano and major sports facilities. Work is also carried out for private individuals and in the context of public contracts.

The company has its own workshop in the industrial zone of Bolzano South with offices, warehouses and a workshop equipped with machines and an overhead travelling crane, as well as a covered and free area.


Short Description:

Company that installs sanitary and heating systems, air conditioning, ventilation and gas systems. Is mainly active in the Province of Bolzano.

The main activity concerns the maintenance and rehabilitation of the above mentioned systems at industrial sites in Bolzano and major sports facilities. Work is also carried out for private individuals and in the context of public contracts.

The company has its own workshop in the industrial zone of Bolzano South with offices, warehouses and a workshop equipped with machines and an overhead travelling crane, as well as a covered and free area.

We offer potential partners the following projects:

Project No. 1: Search for a partner who actively participates in the company, contributes capital, participates in the management of the company and, where possible, provides opportunities to increase the company's turnover (e. g. a shareholding on the part of a construction company).

Project No. 2 (not as an alternative to project No. 1, but to supplement it): Search for one or more construction companies, one or more companies active in the field of electrical installations, and one or more companies operating in the field of plumbing installations (such as us) to create a business network whose main objective is to participate in large public and private tenders, and which has other objectives in mind in order to take advantage of the considerable organisational opportunities offered by current legislation.

Long Description:
Company that installs sanitary and heating systems, air conditioning, ventilation and gas systems. Is mainly active in the Province of Bolzano.
Type of company:


Monika Frenes

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