waste treatment

The company has found application in the thermal treatment of waste, transforming them from organic mass into clean energy. The thermochemical process has been interpreted by technicians of the company to realize  a gasifier with surprising results, based on a patented solution.
The system process is based on a particular application of the principle of gasification at low temperature that achieves the thermochemical conversion of materials in the organic matrix into a combustible gas.
The choice of the company is to design a waste treatment plants through gasification, and sized to limited areas, drastically reducing transport and energy by using locally manufactured, thus bringing the gasifier to be easily accepted by the citizenry that sees as its own instrument.
The small size of the designed plant, its modularity and ease of management allow to place in strategic disposal of special waste, particularly identified by COD EWC 18:19, reducing the environmental impact and the social cost of logistics and material handling, waste management with a zero kilometer.


Short Description:

The company has developed an innovative project which includes different types of gasification prototype plants for waste and particularly identified by COD EWC 18:19 declined in several sizes.

Long Description:
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Alberto Bonetti

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